Losing Weight Without Working Out for 2+ Hours Everyday and Dieting
I’ve got some news for you.
Whoever sold this to you, was a lying fool. Sure it’ll work, but you’ll likely plateau at some point without a rest day and you’re more prone to injury from overuse muscles.
Not fun at all if you ask me.
In order to lose weight, you must gain muscle. Muscle burns fat. And you don’t need to spend hours in the gym or dieting doing so. If you’re starting from ground zero, start by taking a few walks a week. You’ll be surprised at how sore you are at first, until you build up those quadriceps muscles and calf muscles. And if you aren’t starting from zero but need something, I recommend exercising with weights or bands (some sort of resistance), 3-4x a week for less than an hour.
I often see people putting off their health until they have an event to go to that they wanted to lose weight for so they do a quick juice cleanse. This is extremely harmful for your body but it also can cause you to gain all of the weight back, if not more after you’re done “cleansing”. Or people workout twice a day, risking injury and then burn out after they event they are “getting in shape” for.
While these extreme methods can work for a short period of time, they are definitely not a long term solution and will leave you worse off than when you started.
If you need help figuring out where to start, check out my one on one coaching. (CLICK HERE)
I’ll teach you how to tone, lose weight and get stronger so you can enjoy your life the way you want. No more spending hours working out and eating miserably bland food.
Who’s with me?!