Exercise, so you can live your life to the fullest.
I’ll be honest. Exercising can seem like just an extra in your life. Something you can sprinkle in if everything else gets done first. But truthfully it should be at the forefront. It isn’t something to sprinkle in and should be taken more seriously than humans do. It allows our bones to get stronger, our joints and ligaments to get stronger, our heart to get stronger. We use it to fight off metabolic disease, which is a disease that leads to other terminal diseases if not treated. Exercise is quite literally medicine and in it’s most natural form.
I have heard many clients over the years say they can’t do something because they have bad knees or a back back. And on the other side I’ve seen people get injured and exercise to prevent having bad knees and a bad back that would’ve otherwise stayed injured due to lack of exercise.
People often avoid hard things because they are hard. But really you are just choosing your hard trying to avoid another hard. It’s hard gaining weight and not being able to hike or play with your kids/grandkids. Or not taking care of yourself for years and later experiencing health risks because of it. It’s also hard prioritizing your exercise and lifting heavy weight. You just have to choose your hard and I think a lot of people don’t realize that when they are avoiding one hard, they are choosing another.
So I encourage you to choose exercise and choose proper nutrition. You don’t have to workout 7 days a week and eat proper nutrition 7 days a week, in fact I advice against that. But you do have to try and put your health first a little each day until it becomes a habit.
This is the ultimate way to be able to live your life to the fullest. To be comfortable in your skin. To hike and run and skip and MOVE without discomfort.
You deserve it and this is your permission slip to go get it.